... Hypoeutectic Iron 亚共晶铸铁 hypoeutectic white iron亚共晶白口铁 ; 亚共晶白口铸铁 hypoeutectic cast iron 亚共晶铸铁 ...
亚共晶铸铁 hypoeutectic cast iron 亚共晶白口铸铁hypoeutectic white iron 上一篇论文: 半固态过共晶高铬铸铁制备及组织与性能研究 Study on preparation microstructure and property of semisolid hype...
Results reveal that the bronze vessels are made of Pb-Sn bronze using casting technique, the iron is hypoeutecticwhiteiron, and that the major mineral of the jade is hopfnerite.
The spheroidizing grow, in isothermal spheroidizing process, of carbides formed from deformation under high temperature in, hypoeutecticwhite cast iron is studied.
The surface of the hypoeutecticwhite cast iron of great wearable work piece in common use was treated by laser hardening.