释义 |
- 大地的果实:指从大地上生长出来的各种植物的果实,也可以指人类通过劳动获得的物质财富。
1 ?果实累累 ...,可是离你太远了 ? I really want to go to take care of you, but too far away from you the 果实累累 ? Fruits of the earth 当今的克隆技术还不成熟,可能会克隆出不健康的人类 ? Current cloning technology is not yet mature, might not be cloned hea...
- 1
They sustained themselves with the spontaneous fruits of the earth. - 2
"it is yours, " answered the devil, "if for two years you will give me one half of everything your field produces. i have enough money, but i have a desire for the fruits of the earth. “就归你吧!”魔鬼说,“只要你肯将两年内一半的收成给我就行了。钱,我有的是,但我更喜欢地上的果实。” - 3
Today, look at the blue sky, hear the grass growing beneath your feet, inhale the scent of spring, let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue, reach out and embrace those you love. 今天,仰望蓝天,聆听小草在脚下生长,呼吸春天的气息,细细品尝大地的果实,然后放开双手拥抱你的所爱。