释义 |
1 ?果树栽培 ... fruit essence 水果香糖 fruit farming 果树栽培;果木业 fruit filling 水果馅 ... 2 ?果木业 ... 果树学;果树栽培 orcharding 果树栽培;果木业 fruit farming; fruit growing 热带果树栽培 tropical fruit culture ...
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We should decisively bolster up livestock, fish and fruit farming to provide the people with a better, more bountiful diet. 要大力振兴畜产、水产和水果生产部门,进一步改善和丰富人民的饮食生活。 - 2
The drylands have also benefited from an expansion of fruit and grain farming and of light industry, says Gustavo Maia Gomes of the Federal University of Pernambuco. 来自伯南布哥的联邦大学的古斯塔沃马亚戈麦斯说到, 干旱地区也受益于果园和谷物业农场, 及轻工业的扩展. - 3
Not for farming, and long fertile fruit; people do not learn, and smart also illiterate. 地不耕种,再肥沃也长不出果实;人不学习,再聪明也目不识丁。