释义 |
1 ?水果提取物 ... 蔬菜提取物Vegetable extract 水果提取物Fruit Extract 火龙果提取物 Pitaya extract ... 2 ?摘果子 ...age boy is good communication, parents need to know and understand the child, and they need help 摘果子 ? fruit extract 置换 ? Replacement .. 3 4 ?果子精华 ... 维他命c衍生物vitamin c derivatives 果子精华(全新成份)Fruit Extract 海洋深层水( Depsea water) ...
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Talcum powder, sand spicy fruit extract, Jojoba oil, olive oil, vitamin E and so on. 滑石粉、沙辣果提取物、霍霍巴油、橄榄油、维他命E等。 - 2
Kiwi fruit extract "protein decomposing enzyme" can quickly decomposes meat protein, prevent fat absorption. 奇异果中提取的“蛋白分解酵素”能迅速分解肉类蛋白,阻止脂肪吸收。 - 3
The olive oil is by fresh fruit extract, direct cold without heating and chemical processing, a natural ingredients. 橄榄油是由新鲜的油橄榄果实直接冷榨而成,不经加热和化学处理,保留了天然营养成分。