释义 |
1 ?冻结食品冷藏库 ... fast food store 在快餐店 frozen food store 冻结食品冷藏库 hidden store of food etc 贮存物 ...
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In 1999, I was stocking frozen food at a San Francisco Health food Store and chatting with my friend Dan Moore, a painter and bicycle messenger (and now square dance enthusiast!). 1999年,在旧金山的一家保健食品商店,我在一边储存冷冻食品,一边和我的朋友丹穆尔聊天,他是一名画家和自行车信使(现在是一名广场舞爱好者)。 - 2
The main character, a health-food store owner somehow frozen in 1973, has been thawed out 200 years later. 影片的主角是一名健康食品商店的老板,1973年他莫名其妙地被冷冻了起来,直到200年后才被解冻。 - 3
Suitable for supermarkets to store fast frozen food, meat, cold food and seafood.