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轨迹发射 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
There are, however, no interference problems with field-emission X-ray sources, so these can be used to take high-resolution pictures while treatment is proceeding. 而在场放射X射线源下就不会有这样的问题,可以在拍摄高分辨率图像的同时进行治疗。 - 2
Using field emission cathode, X ray source can be made with several advantages: smaller volume and brighter, high frequency response, in-time turning on, etc. 采用场发射阴极的X射线光源具有体积小,辐射强度高,频率响应快,可以随时开启,无需预热的优点。 - 3
With the merits of high hardness, high thermal conduction, negative electron affinity, diamond is deemed one of the preferred materials of the field emission cathode. 金刚石因具有高硬度、高热导率、负电子亲和势等优点而成为场发射阴极的首选材料之一。