上市于澳大利亚的有色金属公司沃尔夫矿业有限公司(Wolf Mineral Limited)宣布,其位于英国的赫莫顿(Hemerdon)钨锡资源项目已产出第一批钨精矿。
Wolf Minerals hopes to begin mining at Hemerdon by the end of 2014.
BBC: Hemerdon mine company secures further ?50m
Tungsten, which is used in metal-working, construction and in the manufacture of electrical equipment and light bulbs, was discovered at Hemerdon in 1867.
BBC: Hemerdon mine company secures further ?50m
Wolf Minerals hopes to begin mining at Hemerdon in 2014 and once open, it is believed the mine will be the fourth largest tungsten resource in the world.