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- 黑鸭:一种体型较大、羽毛呈黑色的鸭子,通常生活在湖泊、河流和沼泽地带。
1 ?黑鸭子 ...preview and buy music from 红色经典特别版(Red Classics) (Special Edition 5 伟大的北京(Great Beijing) 黑鸭子(Black Ducks) 347 $099 View In
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Size trumps numbers as a crane scatters black-bellied whistling-ducks near a game feeder on a private Texas ranch. 大小胜过数量,在德克萨斯州的私人牧场里,一只美洲鹤使一群黑腹树鸭分散开来,权且作为一个勇敢的饲养员。 - 2
The birds fly up and down happily, just like small black seaplanes. Besides them, the arrival of the wild ducks, at much higher speed, is almost majestic. 湖上的鸟儿,快乐地上下翻飞,恍如成群的黑色水上小飞机,忙个不停,除此之外,飞来的野鸭子速度相对迅捷得多,极为壮观。 - 3
The birds fly up and down happily, just like small black seaplanes. Besides them, the arrival of the wild ducks, at much higher speed, is almost majestic3. 湖上的鸟儿,快乐地上下翻飞,恍如成群的黑色水上小飞机,忙个不停,除此之外,飞来的野鸭子速度相对迅捷得多,极为壮观。