释义 |
1 ?加纳 ...等,其中特马港是西非加纳最大的海运港口和西非最大的人造海港。据1992年的数据,集装箱吞吐总量约为8.3万TEU。 加纳主要港口加纳(GHANA)是西非重要的港口国家,地处非洲的西部、几内亚湾的北岸,其西邻科特迪瓦,北连布基纳法索,东毗多哥,南临大西洋,海岸线全长约562公里... 2 ?迦纳 ...国有10万8千人因小浪底水坝而被驱离,在印尼有2万4千位村民因克丹翁波水坝(KedungOmbodam)造成水位上升而受困,在迦纳(Ghana)的佛塔河(VoltaRiver)河谷有8万名农民因其家园受阿克松波水坝(Akosombodam)的影响而受害。
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Evidence of iron making has been found in Nigeria, Ghana, and Mali. - 2
Similarly, less urbanized countries such as Cambodia and Ghana had voting rights for women long before Switzerland did. 同样,在柬埔寨和加纳等城市化程度较低的国家,妇女拥有投票权的时间比瑞士的要早得多。 - 3
Before colonialism, gender was more salient in central Kenya than it was in Ghana, although age was still crucial in determining authority. 在殖民主义之前,性别在肯尼亚中部比在加纳更为突出,尽管年龄仍然是决定权力的关键因素。