释义 |
- abbr.生长激素(growth hormone);网格航向(grid heading);加纳(Ghana)
1 ?加纳 世界顶级网址后缀列表 ... gg 格恩西岛 gh 加纳 gi 直布罗陀 ... 2 ?生长激素 生长激素1(GH1)在人出生后的正常生长过程中起到了重要的作用。GH1在垂体合成并释放到血循环中,与其受体结合后能够刺激类胰岛素生长因子1(IGF-... 3 ?生殖器疱疹 生殖器疱疹(GH)即发生于生殖器部位的单纯疱疹,是病毒性传染性皮肤疾病,中医属于热疮的范畴。 4 ?生长素 分泌激素至少有七种.ppt 文档预览-文档无忧 ... (一)生长素(GH) 生长素(GH), 促甲状腺素(TSH), ...
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Conclusion GH may play a supplementary role in infection therapy, but further research is needed. 结论GH在感染的治疗中有一定的辅助作用,但仍需进行深入研究。 - 2
"Ghoti," as wordsmiths have noted, could be pronounced "fish" : gh as in "cough", o as in "women" and ti as in "motion". 有语言家说,英语“Ghoti”一词甚至可以读作“fish”:因为gh在“cough”中念“f”,o在“women”中念“i”,ti在“motion”中念“ sh ”。 - 3
'Things are moving so fast, it's hard for anyone to know what is going on,' said Jim Goulding, manager at Chicago trading firm GH Traders LLC. 芝加哥交易行gh Traders LLC的经理古尔丁(Jim Goulding)表示,事态变化得如此迅速,任何人都很难知道接下来会发生什么。