释义 |
灰色的噪音 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Now competition to get into such colleges is fierce. A young art entrepreneur, Umer Butt, whose gallery Grey Noise in Lahore lent works to the show, aspires to be an influential dealer. 如今进入这类院校的并不容易,一位住在拉合尔的叫Umer Butt的年轻工作室负责人将 Grey Noise画廊的作品借给这次展览,并希望通过此成为一位有影响力艺术品商人。 - 2
Why go back to the grey, the dirt, the noise, the rush? 为什么要回到那灰暗、肮脏、吵闹和匆忙的生活中去呢? - 3
It's a GREy area, that many try to finagle through, avoiding more responsibilities, yet still taking a claim to those ravishing days of dark nights, city streetlights, pumping fists, and club noise. 这个年龄段是一个灰色地带,很多人都想混过去,不愿承担太多责任,也不想放下那些夜晚有街灯、挥舞的拳头以及夜店噪音相伴恣意狂欢的日子。