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灰色,C。 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
I reached 'C' Company lines, which were at the top of the hill, I paused and looked back at the camp, just coming into full view below me through the grey mist of early morning. 来到驻扎在山顶的C连时,我停了下来,在早晨的灰霾中回首瞭望山下的营地全景。 - 2
The results of grey relational analysis revealed that the content of soil nutrients, in particular C and N, had a major effect on avail-P. 灰色分析的结果表明,土壤速效磷的形成主要受到土壤养分,尤其是碳、氮养分的影响。 - 3
C., the first emperor of a united China, in previous excavations, but once they were exposed to the air they began to lose their luster and turn an oxidized grey. 在之前的发掘中,由于被暴露于空气中,兵俑的光泽已变淡,受氧化后颜色已呈灰色。