n. 格里高利·派克(美国男影星)
n. 格雷戈里(男子名, 古代罗马教皇之名)
而前一任在世时就退位的罗马教宗是额我略十二世(Gregory XII),但严格来说,并非其本人主动要求退位的,而是为结束西方教会
年前的教宗格列高利十二世(Gregory XII),他在 1406
当时居于罗马之教宗为伍朋六世(Urban VI)、博义九世(Boniface IX)、诺森七世(Innocent VII)、国瑞十二世(Gregory XII)及马丁五世(Martin V)。 , F) ^% w9 }( `2 a
The last Pope to resign willingly was Celestine V, who stepped down in 1294, while Gregory XII reluctantly abdicated in 1415.
BBC: News Online
Pope Gregory XII - who reigned from 1406 to 1415 - did so to end what was called the Western Schism.
BBC: How does a Pope resign from office?
But resignation is extremely rare: the last pontiff to step aside was Pope Gregory XII, who resigned in 1415 amid a schism within the Church.
BBC: Pope Benedict has a pacemaker, the Vatican confirms