当年弗鲁姆(Froome)的战车,Pinarello当年顶级款Dogma 65.1,强劲性能更好的发挥弗鲁姆的实力,成功赢得了个人职业生涯第一个环法总冠军,也为Pinare...
弗鲁姆 ; 克里斯·弗鲁姆 ; 弗罗梅 ; 弗洛姆
克里斯·弗鲁姆 ; 总成绩方面
Froome's restraint is part of an increasingly significant element on the Tour's winding roads: etiquette.
WSJ: Tour de France: The Divine Comedy of Cycling Etiquette--Bradley Wiggins, Christopher Froome
Wiggins was set to play a supporting role to Sky's lead rider Froome at this year's Tour.
CNN: Defending champion Wiggins out of Tour de France
Froome wound up second, 23-year-old U.S. rider Tejay van Garderen finished 5th, but the 2012 Tour belonged to Wiggins.
WSJ: Tour de France: The Brits Rule World of Wheels - Bradley Wiggins