释义 |
1 ?电动机的前端 ... front of column ==> 主柱正面 front of motor ==> 电动机的前端,非连接端 front of neck ==> 颈前羽,颈前羽 ...
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In another tweak to the recumbent, Stoddard designed the pedals to power the front wheel instead of the rear; however, there is a motor that turns the back tire. 相对于其他卧式自行车,另一项微调是,斯托达德设计的踏板驱动的是前轮,而不是后轮;不过,有一个马达可以转动后轮。 - 2
A pack of about two dozen men stand outside the front gate of the Mumbai Road Transport Office, the Indian city's version of the Motor Vehicles Dept. 孟买道路运输处,这个印度版本的车管所门前,聚集了大约20来人。 - 3
Just this convenient mobile fixator placed the lighter in your car, you can grip the steering wheel, watching in front of two roads, one side calls while driving a motor vehicle safety. 只需将这个方便的手机固定器置入你车内的打火机里,你就可以紧握方向盘,两眼注视前方道路,一边通话,一边安全驾驶汽车。