释义 |
1 ?充当某人的代言人 ... front cilp for reed cap 筘帽前夹木 front for sb 充当某人的代理人 front for someone 充当某人的代言人 ...
- 1
A few days ago, in a meeting, someone interrupted me. When I asked to finish, he criticized me, in front of fifteen other people, for talking too much. 几天前在一个会议上有人打断我说话,当我要求先完成发言时,他当着15个人的面批评了我,说我话太多了。 - 2
For example, when someone cuts in line in front of you at a movie theater, say something like: "I'm sorry, were you aware that we've been standing here in line?" 例如,当有人在电影院插队,可以说:“抱歉,你意识到我们在排队吗?” - 3
For instance, if a passive aggressive worker promises to get you data by a specific date, confirm that commitment with the employee in front of someone who needs that data. 例如,如果有消极对抗的员工允诺会在某个日期之前提供数据,那就在需要这些数据的人面前跟这个员工确认他的承诺。