释义 |
1 ?港湾工程 ... 碇泊值班 harbor watch 港湾工程 harbor works 海港;湖港;河港 harbor [= harbour] ...
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"We got showered by little stuff," said Mills, who works at the Pacific Aviation Museum based in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, describing a chaotic scene afterward. "Everybody was running." “我们全身都是碎渣”,在夏威夷珍珠港太平洋航空博物馆工作的米尔说,她描述了事故后混乱的场景,“所有人都在跑”。 - 2
In this show, the exhibited works is the part of watercolor painting works in the series of "Fishery Harbor". 本次为大家展示的是“渔港”系列中的部分水彩写生作品。 - 3
Marine Animal Rescue works in cooperation with the Los Angeles County and City Lifeguards, Police, Fire, Harbor Patrol Agencies and Animal Services Departments throughout Los Angeles County. 海洋动物拯救工程与洛杉矶县和市救生员,警察,消防,海港巡逻机构和动物服务部门在整个洛杉矶县的合作。