雨果(Hugues):40 ..
... 所属州: NJ 名字: Hugues 姓: Robert ...
让·雨果·安格拉德 ; 尚雨格安格拉
皮罗特 ; 于格·皮罗特
瓦兰 ; 瓦西纳
It was written by Napoleon to Foreign Minister Hugues-Bernard Maret, who was at Vilnius in modern-day Lituania.
BBC: Napoleon's Moscow Kremlin letter auctioned
Other rich examples of the collaboration Hugues and Mr Gillet promoted are the illuminated collections of 20th-century poems.
ECONOMIST: French book collecting
On one of his walks Hugues catches sight of a woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to his late wife.
WSJ: Georges Rodenbach | Bruges-La-Morte | Incarnating the World Within | Masterpiece by James Gardner