释义 |
1 ?好奇 婴儿品牌好奇(Huggies)在“线上排行榜”中的排名比它在传统“品牌足迹”排行榜中的名次高出98位。 2 ?好奇纸尿裤 好奇纸尿裤(HUGGIES):我的第一个朋友 3 ?纸尿裤 猎奇纸尿裤(Huggies)是金佰利(Kimwind uprly-Clark)公司一项行销全球的产品,是以除了美国之外,他们天然也希望该项产品在其他国度也能获得异样的告捷... 4 ?哈吉斯 en)的Ouwehands Dierenpark动物园,北极熊妈妈哈吉斯(Huggies)在给两只小北极熊喂奶。母熊哈吉斯在三个月前诞下三只小熊,但只有两只存活下来。
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HUGGIES?Snug & Dry Diapers offer protection you can count on, so you can focus on all your little one's daily adventures. 好奇舒适干爽系列尿片提供你所期待的保护,所以你可以专注于小人儿的日常运动。 - 2
That was too much for Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies nappies, which announced in 2012 that it would pull out of most of Europe. 这对于好奇纸尿布的制造商金佰利克拉克而言,实在是太多了。金佰利在2012年宣布将退出大部分欧洲市场。 - 3
Multinational companies like Kimberly-Clark (Huggies), Walt Disney, and P&G (Pampers), have poured more than $3 million into advertisements on the site in just nine months. 众多跨国公司,比如金百利(好奇)、沃尔特 迪斯尼 和宝洁(帮宝适)仅仅在9个月中,就倾注超过300万美元的网站广告投入。