释义 |
- 酒渣鼻:一种慢性炎症性皮肤病,通常出现在面部,特别是鼻子、额头、下巴和颧骨区域。
1 ?酒糟鼻 acne rosacea 酒糟鼻 acne rosacea conjunctivitis 酒渣鼻性结膜炎, 红斑痤疮性结膜炎 .. 2 ?玫瑰痤疮 玫瑰痤疮(Acne Rosacea)又叫酒渣性痤疮,酒渣鼻(Rosacea)是一种发生于面部尤其是面中央的弥漫性潮红,伴发丘疹、脓疱及毛细血管扩张。 3 [皮肤]?酒渣鼻 皂内附加滋润皮肤, 平衡油质及保湿剂等天然营养物质, 能增强皮肤新陈代谢和抵抗力, 预防酒渣鼻( Acne Rosacea )和皮肤病. 对偏好使用传统洁净方式的人士,本皂可说是绝佳的选择.
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I have pretty bad acne rosacea and this covers almost all of the redness and scars, even when I dont use a concealer! 我有非常严重的痘痘和痘疤,这款粉底几乎可以遮盖所有的红印和疤痕,就算我不用遮瑕膏,它也能遮得很好! - 2
I have pretty bad acne rosacea and this covers almost all of the redness and scars, even when I dont use a concealer! This makeup does not get splotchy and stays very natural looking all day. 我有十分严峻的痘痘和痘疤,这款粉底简直能够覆盖全部的红印和疤痕,就算我不必遮瑕膏,它也能遮得很好! - 3
Azelaic acid, a prescription lotion used for acne, can calm discoloration and inflammation due to rosacea as well. 壬二酸,用于治疗痤疮的洗液,可以降低变色和炎症(由于酒渣鼻)。