释义 |
1 ?随机人选 剧情介绍中文名称:随机人选英文名称:Getting Played 别名:玩到尽头资源类.. 片名: 周渔的火车 状态:全集 主演:巩俐,孙红雷,梁家辉 简介:周渔的火车详细剧情介绍周渔(巩俐饰)是一个美丽善良的女性, 2 ?玩到尽头 ... 求求你表扬我(Gimme Kudos) 玩到尽头(Getting Played) 剧场前(Keuk jang jeon) ...
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I really love competing, so you know I played soccer in college and my biggest challenge, and I didn't always succeed, was getting my studying in during soccer season. 我真的很喜欢比赛,所以,你知道,我在大学时踢足球,我最大的挑战以及我并不能每次都成功的事情是在足球赛季里学习。 - 2
Earlier in the winter, she’d played most of a half of basketball with the flu, before fainting on the sideline and getting fluids intravenously. 前一阵子还是冬天的时候,帕蒂正感冒,但她依旧坚持打了大半个半场篮球赛,直到昏倒在球场的边线上,去打吊针。 - 3
Oldham worked for several years with the man, whose behavior had clearly played a role in his son’s misery, getting him to face up to his problem. 奥尔德姆为让他正视自己的问题和这名患者打了多年交道。 显然,该患者的行为在儿子的痛苦中发挥了一定作用。