The IBM AIX V7.1 operating system builds on a solid heritage of supplying integrated, enterprise-class support for IBMPowerSystems servers.
IBM AIX V7.1 操作系统是在为 IBM Power Systems 服务器提供综合企业级支持的技术基础上构建的。
At the same time, many shops are migrating from HP and Sun to IBMPowerSystems and need to understand the key concepts necessary to help ease the transition.
与此同时,许多环境正在从HP和Sun迁移到IBM Power Systems,这需要理解简化过渡过程所必需的关键概念。
It's designed to provide a preliminary, high-level analysis of the estimated potential consolidation savings by switching to IBMPowerSystems server from other platforms.
它对服务器整合进行初步的高层分析,估计从其他平台迁移到IBM Power Systems服务器可能产生的整合效果。