管理子系统:基于 IBM Content Manager (内容管理),IBM MQ Workflow (流程管理),IBM MQ (应用集成),IBM WebSphere (应用服务器) , IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, IBM Tivoli S...
IBM 内容管理器(IBM Content Manager)是一套可扩展、企业范围内的存储系统,用户通过内容管理器可以便捷地对关键业务内容进行捕获、创建和整理。
Enterprise content management solution such as IBM DB2 contentManager provides an information, life-cycle management solution for content from its creation to disposal.
IBM DB 2 Content Manager这样的Enterprise Content Management解决方案提供了从内容创建一直到处理的信息全生命周期管理解决方案。
At the end of this article, we believe readers have a definite understanding of IBM DB2 ContentManager document routing.
到本文的最后,我们相信您对IBM DB 2 Content Manager文档路由应该有了一定的了解。
During this process the transformation layer connects to the IBM Cognos 10 ContentManager through the metadata framework to look up model information that applies to the query being processed.