释义 |
1 ?善意收购 “所谓善意收购(friendly acquisition),又称友善收购(friendly takeover),是指收购人在收购要约发布前已经与目标公司的管理层进行过接触和协商,对收购的主要事项如对价...
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The system has the advantages of strong anti-interference, mass information, high speed acquisition and friendly software interface. 该系统具有抗干扰能力强、信息量大、检测速度快、软件界面友好等优点。 - 2
The system realized diagnosis , knowledge acquisition, maintain management and learning assistant by friendly interface, which satisfied maintain personnel in different level. 本系统通过界面友好的人机交互实现故障诊断、知识获取、维修管理,辅助学习,符合各层次诊断维修人员的需求。 - 3
The system interface is friendly and the ability of data processing is strong, and meanwhile it is easy to operate which achieves the acquisition, real-time display and playback of pulse signals. 该系统界面友好,操作简单,数据处理能力强,实现了脉搏信号的采集,脉搏波形的实时显示、回放等功能。