释义 |
水平起飞 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?水平起飞垂直降落飞机 horizontal take-off; vertical landing (HTOVL) 水平起飞垂直降落飞机 horizontal thrust 水平推力 ..
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The machine, therefore, is suited to different pilots by moving the horizontal position of the seat prior to take-off. 这台机器,因此,适合于不同的飞行员通过移动水平位置的座位前起飞。 - 2
Therefore, while driving passed street corner and others to go a horizontal pass and the pedestrain, non- vehicle motor keep a safety take off distance, slice to hate to rob a row. 因此,驾车通过路口和人行横道时,要与行人、非机动车保持安全距离,切忌抢行。 - 3
For validating the dynamic model, the output speed, radial runout, horizontal runout were obtained about the power take-off of the transmission. 根据通过计算得出的主变速器输出轴输出转速、径向跳动量以及水平跳动量来验证模型的正确性。