释义 |
1 ?嫩大豆荚 ... sake日本糯米黄米造成的酒 green soy bean嫩大豆荚 dried longan桂圆干 ... 2 ?瘦肉 ... Green shell bean 去荚青刀豆 green soy bean 毛豆 ; 嫩大豆荚 ; 瘦肉 ; 豌豆 salted green string bean 咸青刀豆 ... 3 ?豌豆 ... Green shell bean 去荚青刀豆 green soy bean 毛豆 ; 嫩大豆荚 ; 瘦肉 ; 豌豆 salted green string bean 咸青刀豆 ...
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Last, put the paste onto the noodles you have prepare and add the cucumber, soy bean and green bean to the noodles. 最后,把肉酱淋在煮好的面条上,再放上黄瓜丝、黄豆和青豆,炸酱面就算做好了。 - 2
First of it, you should slice the cucumber into pieces, cook the soy bean and green bean for about ten minutes, then put these material in a bowl. 首先,你先把黄瓜切丝,把黄豆和青豆用沸水煮上十分钟,然后把这些材料装进碗里面备用。 - 3
One was a" vegetable-soy" pattern based on tofu, cauliflower, beans, bean sprouts and green leafy vegetables, with not much meat. 一种是“蔬菜--豆腐”模式的饮食,给予豆腐,菜花,豆角,豆芽,绿叶蔬菜,没有什么肉类。