释义 |
1 ?卷扬料罐 ... hoisting gear 起重机,提升机,提升... hoisting bucket 卷扬料罐,高炉吊罐... hoisting winch 绞车,绞盘 ...
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Apart from the obvious ways of collecting rain water, water can be collected from fog by hoisting a cloth over a bucket or as morning dew can be collected of the ground by dragging a blanket around. 除了收集雨水的那些明显方法外,也用在桶上放一块布的方法从雾气中获得水,或者在周围拖动一张毯子,可以收集清晨地面的露珠。 - 2
Feeding mechanism: bucket hoisting and manual double bell jar feeding mechanism is adopted which is easy to operate and can prevent gas leakage efficiently. 加煤机构:采用斗提卷扬机构,手动双钟罩加煤装置,操作简便、能有效防止煤气泄漏。 - 3
GTD and GTH bucket elevator machine has large throughput, high hoisting height, stable operation, long service life, etc. GTD与GTH型斗式提升机具有输送量大、提升高度高、运行平稳、使用寿命长等特点。