... Higonokami 日本肥后守 Hogue 美国霍格刀具 Kanetsune 日本关兼常 ...
... 所属州: AL 名字: Hogue 姓: T ...
Campbell):装甲巡洋舰:酒神女祭司(Bacchante,中队旗舰)、克莱西(Cressy)、胡格(Hogue)、阿布基尔(Aboukir) -防护巡洋舰:紫石英(Amethyst**)
经济师贺奎 ; 经济学家贺奎
霍格酒窖 ; 霍格酒庄
Tom Hogue of the TTB said the aim of the ruling is to make sure alcohol labeling is more consistent.
NPR: Are Nutritional Labels Coming On Alcoholic Drinks
Koop's wife died in 2007, and he married Cora Hogue in 2010.
WSJ: Koop, who transformed surgeon general post, dies
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Ilyse Hogue.
CNN: Why Ryan pick won't help Romney