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频繁的罢工 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?罢工频繁 ... 起动 start (a machine, etc.); switch on◇起动电动机 starting motor; 起动器 starter 罢工频繁 frequent strikes 常常的,频繁的 frequent ...
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Tall towers are frequent targets of lightning strikes, because there is less air to act as an insulator between the tower and a cloud. 高塔是闪电最常光顾的目标,因为塔和云之间作为绝缘体的空气稀薄。 - 2
Mother Nature has blessed us in many ways, but can also be homicidal, with hurricanes, tornadoes, waterspouts, and more frequent lightning strikes than anywhere else in the nation. 大自然以多种方式为我们祝福,但同时也具有摧毁的力量:飓风、龙卷风、暴雨,雷电之频繁超过全美其他地区。 - 3
Mountain Highway along with mountain wiring, and the road grades were generally low, low-intensity targets, when the encounter debris strikes, the phenomenon of frequent unstable roadbed. 山区公路多沿河傍山布线,当遭遇泥石流来袭时,公路路基失稳现象时常发生。