... iaea inspection reports 国际原子能机构监察报告 iaea inspector国际原子能机构监察员 iaea safeguards information system 国际原子能机构保障监督信息系统 ...
Recently they seized plans for an entire nuclear programme in electronic form. 10.53.28 Aston OLLI HEINONEN IAEAInspector A lot of this information is in computerised or electronic form.
IAEA's chief inspector took the unusual step of briefing members of its 35-nation board, including Iran, on the detailed allegations.
ECONOMIST: Is there still time for a miracle?
"We don't see it, " the IAEA's former top inspector, Olli Heinonen, said at Washington roundtable Monday on Iran's nuclear program.
WSJ: North Korea Nuclear Find Raises Fears It Will Share With Iran