释义 |
希腊 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?希腊语 柯因内希腊语(Koine Greek),通常又叫作古希腊语(Hellenistic Greek),是 亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)统治时期(主前336-323)开始盛行的地中海地区的
- 1
That process is what we call Hellenization, so the Hellenization of the world in that time means that we even call that period Hellenistic Greek, the Hellenistic Period. 这一过程我们称之为“希腊化“,那一时期世界希腊化,还可以称其为希腊化时期的希腊,希腊化时期。 - 2
It shows a lot of things like that, it's also dependent upon certain Greek philosophical and Hellenistic Jewish ideas. 它写了很多那样的内容,它也大量借鉴了一些希腊哲学,以及希腊犹太思想。 - 3
During Hellenistic times, Greek women also started to artificially wave and curl their hair.
1From Ancient Greek ?λληνιστ?? ?(Ellēnist?s, “a user of the Greek language”). FROM: wiktionary |