...科学、亦即经得起全世界考验并得到合理的普遍赞扬的伽利略 ( Galileo)、哈维 ( Harvey)、维萨留斯( Vesalius)、格斯纳 ( Gesner)、牛顿 ( Newton)的传统——这种传统注定会成为统一的世界大家庭的理论基础——是在地中海和大西洋沿岸 ,而不是在中国或亚洲其他...
... 所属州: WV 名字: Gesner 姓: Kristin ...
格斯纳 ; 出版基斯勒氏
季斯纳 ; 格斯纳 ; 盖斯纳
Gesner said his brother-in-law has has been living in Sun Valley, Idaho, the past year.
CNN: From Tinseltown to Beantown
Soap actor Zen Gesner ("All My Children") told CNN about a recent chance encounter with the Kerrys.
"My wife mentioned that her brother might be a neighbor there, " Gesner said.