释义 |
- n.(Heliodorus)人名;(希)赫利奥多罗斯
1 ?纥留多如 但是,这故事和犹太人的神话传说,有好些吻合的地方:(一)纥留多如(Heliodorus)想私下盗取圣殿库银,被天上来的骑士异象所阻挠,摔倒在地上(玛喀比二书三章);(二)亚仙纳斯(Aseneth)悔改,约瑟的埃及妻子相信神的经... 2 ?多鲁 他曾幕后唆使宰相希利奥多鲁(Heliodorus)杀死西流古四世(参十一21)。虽然底米丢一世在主前一六二年登位为王,但作者并不知道这种后来才发生的事,因他的写作时期是主前... 3 ?希流多路 但他们没有想到他的财政大臣希流多路(Heliodorus)为了深怕安提阿哥四世回来,于是伙同部下设计将之杀死,想要拥护西流古四世尚且年幼的儿子继位,这样他就可以辅佐国王的大臣掌控...
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But, following the orders of the king, Heliodorus insisted that all those treasures should be turned over to the king. 但是赫略多洛因为受了王命,坚决主张应将这些财宝收归国库。 - 2
Then some of Heliodorus' companions begged Onias to call upon the Most High to grant the grace of life to him who was at the point of death. 赫略多洛的同僚便急忙恳请敖尼雅哀求至高者,使这奄奄待毙的人重获生命。 - 3
The High Priest, on his part, feared that the king might suspect the Jews of some foul play against Heliodorus, so he offered a sacrifice for the man's recovery. 大司祭害怕国王怀疑犹太人对赫略多洛下了毒手,所以就为这人献祭祈求痊愈。