释义 |
1 ?手工纺纱 ...网工艺课】 在童话故事中睡公主被「纺锤的针刺伤而沉睡不起印象中古老的纺纱车都像被盖上纱般神秘... 手工纺纱(Hand Spinning)是一种古老的织品工艺,取动植物纤维合捻成线..
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Some of them might be spinning clockwise, in which case, according to the right-hand rule we would consider them spin-down. 它们中的一些可能是顺时针旋转的,在这种情况下,根据右手定则,我们认为它们是向下旋转的。 - 2
According to the right-hand rule, they would be spinning, by our convention, anticlockwise. - 3
On the other hand, if the lock is held for a longer time, spinning is wasteful as the spinning thread consumes CPU without doing anything useful. 另一方面,如果锁被占有很长时间,那么自旋的线程只会消耗CPU而不做任何有用的工作,因此带来浪费。