码,作为捕获导航电文的前导。其中所含的同步信号为各子帧提供了一个同步起点,使用户便于解释电文数据。 转换码(Hand over word,HOW):每个子帧的第二个字码是转换码,它的主要作用是帮助用户从捕获的C/A码转换到P码的捕获。 第一数据块
... 用户等效距离误差 user equivalent range error(UERE) 转换字hand over word(HOW) 差分基准站 differential reference station ...
The OED online in its newsletters section shows an image of some of JRR’s hand written notes concerning walrus and it is evident that he pondered over the word for some time.
The OED online in its newsletters section shows an image of some of JRR's hand written notes concerning walrus and it is evident that he pondered over the word for some time.