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Without enough resources for everyone, palliative care programs often give first priority to people with advanced or fast-moving cancers, such as pancreatic tumors, Byock says. Byock说,由于资源缺乏,姑息疗法项目团队通常只能优先考虑晚期癌症患者以及癌细胞扩散得特别快的患者,比如胰腺肿瘤患者。 - 2
HIFU therapy is applicable for treatment of a range of cancers including pancreatic, bladder, prostate, kidney and primary and secondary liver cancer and for both curative and palliative therapy. 高强聚焦超声已被应用于许多癌症的治疗中,包括:胰腺癌,膀胱癌,肾癌,原发和继发性肝癌的根治及姑息性治疗。 - 3
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive cancers known; however, it is mostly hypovascular. 胰腺癌就是一种乏血供的肿瘤,同时也是最具侵袭力的肿瘤之一。