

单词 high efficiency particulate air filter
high efficiency particulate air filter
  • 简明释义
  • 高效滤网:用于空气净化的一种器材,能够拦截大颗粒悬浮物、霉菌孢子、烟雾等,同时也能远离过敏源、细菌。广泛应用于医疗院所、药厂、航空业、食品业、研究单位、电子厂、无尘室。
  • 网络释义
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    ...:正常菌群在机体免疫功能低下,定植部位改变或菌群失调等特定条件下引起的感染总称。 高效空气过滤器 (High efficiency particulate air Filter, HEPA) :是指对于0.1微米和0.3微米尘粒数的过滤有效率达到99.7%。

  • 2


    HEPA是High Efficiency Particulate Air FILTER (高效率空气微粒滤芯)的缩写,它是一种国际公认较好的高效滤材,最初HEPA应用于核能研究防护,大量应用于精密实验室、生产、原子研究和外科手术等需要...

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    ...智能实时显示面板乃一大特色:夏普5、空气净化器十大排名第九名高效空气净化器的缩写(High Efficiency Particulate air Filter 回复: 打开机盖,再大灯总成旁边有个可用螺丝批调的小孔,本田车基本都系靠这个方法调 回复: 或者换了什么线?

  • 4


    ... bi-level stencil]双阶式钢板. high efficiency particulate air filter (hepa)高效空气尘粒过泸机. soldering软焊,烧焊. ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    On most commercial planes, at least half of the air comes from outside the aircraft and passes through a high-efficiency particulate air, or HEPA, filter which removes contaminants
  • 2
    Inside your home, use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifier capable of removing PM2.5 particles, or install such a filter in your heating system.
    在你的家里,使用能够去除PM 2.5颗粒的高效颗粒空气净化器,或在你的加热系统中安装这样一个过滤器。
  • 3
    On most commercial planes, at least half of the air comes from outside the aircraft and passes through a high-efficiency particulate air, or HEPA, filter which removes contaminants.




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