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high early strength concrete 1 ?高快固混凝土 super-early-strength concrete 关键词关键词关键词超早强混凝土 high early strength concrete 高快固混凝土 Early age strength of concrete 混凝土早期强度 ..
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Mixture proportions, flowability, crack propagation at early ages, strength, shrinkage, carbonation and the freezing and thawing resistance of flowing concrete with high flowability were investigated. 研究了具有高流动性的流态混凝土的配比、流动性、早期裂纹扩展、强度、收缩、碳化和抗冻融性,这种混凝土无论在成本上还是性能上都是非常可行的。 - 2
The concrete has the characteristics of large fluidity, low slump loss, and high early strength, and it is suitable for the highrise and long-span building structure. 该混凝土具有流动性大,坍落度损失小,早期强度高的特点,适合于高层、大跨度的现代建筑结构。 - 3
The high performance concrete for core wall of earth dam must be good workability, low early strength, high final strength, high seepage resistance, low elasticity modulus and high tensile strength. 黄壁庄水库副坝防渗心墙加固工程所需高性能混凝土,要求和易性好、早期强度低、后期强度高、抗渗性能好、低弹模和高抗拉强度。