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1 ?高数据率储存系统 ... 计数率音响系统 audible count rate signal 高数据率储存系统 high data storage system 乖离率交易系统 BIAS ...
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Instead, client systems and the data storage system connect directly, providing numerous parallelized, high-speed data paths for massive data transfers. 相反,客户机系统将与数据存储系统直接连接,为大型数据传输提供许多并行的高速数据路径。 - 2
The structure of this granulator includes computer automatic inspection and control system which has the functions of data storage and analysis, thus, the machine is high automatically controlled. 该设计包括整体结构和计算机自动检测与控制系统以及实验数据存储与分析等功能,自动化程度高。 - 3
In fact, in order to realize image data real-time collecting and rapid storage, uniting PCI bus and SCSI bus which make system hold high speed data throughput provides sufficiency observation data. 在实际的工作中,把PC I局部总线和SCSI系统总线结合起来,使整个系统拥有高速的数据吞吐量,以期实现图象数据的实时采集和快速存储,为实时处理和事后分析工作提供充分的观测数据。