释义 |
- 五大湖:位于北美洲的五个大型淡水湖泊,包括苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、雨果湖、伊利湖和安大略湖。
1 ?大湖 这里的大湖(Great Lake)中央名为阿尔曼伦(Almaren)的岛屿是梵拉的居所,彼时万物都还年轻,世界的新绿在它的制作者眼中也神奇无比,他们对此心满意足了... 2 ?五大湖 小兔乖乖_新浪博客,小兔乖乖,别有风情:美国文化习俗杂谈,美国的五大湖(Great Lake),Unit 5 Topic 2同步评估书面表达、参考答案,Unit 5 Topic 2同步评估情景交际.. 3 ?大龙湖 大龙湖 ? Great Lake 进而提高创意效率 ? Creativity and thereby to improve efficiency .. 4 ?大霍 ... 大苦Tahoua 大霍Great Lake 大宫Big Spring ...
- 1
It's a phenomenon that occurs anywhere you have a large lake that doesn't freeze and have cold air flowing over it, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere Like the great lakes in the United States. 这种现象发生在不结冰的大湖泊附近,这些湖通常被冷空气包围着,并且它们大多数坐落在北半球,就像美国的五大湖一样。 - 2
And the Pacific was blue, light blue, so calm, like a great lake. 太平洋是蓝色的,浅蓝色,看起来那么平静,像一面美丽的湖水。 - 3
The distinctive geographical feature is the plain formed by the inundations of the Tonle Sap (Great Lake). 显著的地理特征是Tonle Sap(大湖)洪水所形成的平原。