... 分层层次 hierarchy of layer 分层存储器系统 hierarchy of memory 分层对话结构 hierarchical dialogue structure ...
... 解译模块的阶层 hierarchy of interpretive modules,HIM 中断优先权阶层 hierarchy of interruption priority 阶层式层次hierarchy of layer ...
The dynamic nature of business workflows can be analyzed in a two-layer model, as shown in the layered hierarchy in Figure 1.
However, I typically work this stuff in as I am developing the spread which can add another layerof texture to the composition and be used to strengthen the hierarchy of the spread.
USB protocol layer describes the grammar and protocol used in the communication of USB host with USB devices, and presents the USB hierarchy consisting of fields, packets, transactions and transfers.
US B协议层描述了USB主机与usb设备交互时的语法和协议,从中定义了字段、包、事务和传送的结构,以及由字段到包、由包到事务、由事务到传送所组成的组织层次关系。