释义 |
1 ?橄榄属 ),属于橄榄科(Burseraceae)橄榄属(Canarium),是我国南方的一种亚热带水果。在我国,橄榄有着悠久的栽种历史,主产区为广东省和福建省。 2 ?水晶凤凰螺 ... 凤凰螺科 Strombidae 凤凰螺属 Strombus 水晶凤凰螺 S. canarium ... 3 ?橄榄 ...遂以阿利布名相称;"国人不察,又以 橄榄 之名,反而称西土之阿利布(至晚近坊刻英汉字典尚多沿误),驯至吾国原有之 橄榄 ( Canarium ),反无称谓,彼此张冠李戴而两果之区别遂淆矣"。
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OBJECTIVE The research progresses on Canarium album were summarized. - 2
Objective: To investigate the best conditions of extraction techniques for gallic acid in Canarium album. - 3
The physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of Canarium album L. kernel oil have been investigated. 为开发和利用橄榄核仁资源,对橄榄核仁油的理化特性和脂肪酸组成进行研究。