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Mr. Obama's plan to curb carbon dioxide emissions, though necessary, will be far from cost-free, whatever his sunny speeches on the subject might suggest. 尽管奥巴马的二氧化碳减排计划是必要的,但这远不是免费的,无论他在这个问题上发表的充满希望的演讲可能会暗示什么。 - 2
Mr. Obama's plan to curb carbon dioxide emissions, though necessary, will be far from cost free, whatever his sunny speeches on the subject might suggest. 尽管奥巴马的二氧化碳减排计划是必要的,但无论他在这个问题上发表的充满希望的演讲可能会暗示什么,这远不是免费的。 - 3
It will apply to the consumption of petrol, gas and coal, but not to electricity, on the ground that France generates 80% of its electricity from almost carbon-free nuclear power. 这项税费将对汽油,天然气和煤等化石燃料而非电征收,因为法国80%的电力来自于不产生碳的核电站。