释义 |
1 [有化]?游离脂肪酸含量 ... 游离脂肪酸 free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸含量 free fatty acid content 有机沉淀剂 organic precipitant ... 2 ?游离脂肪酸 游离脂肪酸 ( Free fatty acid content ) 700 18.灰分(Ash) 500 19.
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The color is characterized by shallow, transparent, free fatty acid content of the low. - 2
After fermentation, starch and free fatty acid content increased, while lipid, protein and ash content in the rice decreased gradually. 发酵后淀粉的含量有所增加,脂肪、蛋白质和灰分的含量逐渐减少,但游离脂肪酸的含量增加。 - 3
Several chemical changes undergo during the frying oil heated, inducing varieties of free fatty acid content, peroxide value and the quantity of the polar components. 煎炸油在加热过程中由于高温发生一系列的化学反应,导致煎炸油中的酸价、过氧化值、极性物质含量等指标发生变化。