释义 |
extract, transform and load 提取、转换和加载 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Microsoft and Unisys announced a record for loading data into a relational database using an Extract, Transform and load (ETL) tool. 微软与Unisys公司宣布了一项纪录,它是关于关系数据库的数据提取,转换和加载(etl的)工具。 - 2
Once this portion is complete and tested, the article guides you through enhancing the job to extract, transform, and load XML data into the DWADMIN.HOLDINGS table. 在这个部分完成并经过测试之后,本文将带领您改进该作业,以提取和转换XML数据,然后将其装载到DWADMIN . holdings表。 - 3
Data is loaded through standard extract, transform, and load (ETL) connectors, and is then available for queries from business intelligence and analytics applications. 数据通过标准的提取、转换和加载(etl)连接器加载,然后可供商业智能和分析应用程序进行查询。