... 乳精 milk extract 麦乳精 malted milk; extract of malt and milk; malt; malt extract 新鲜 1.(没有变质, 没有经过腌制、 干制的) fresh 新鲜牛奶 fresh milk; 新鲜肉 fresh-killed meat; 暴雨后空气变得新鲜了。 the air freshened after the storm. 鱼有点不新鲜了。 the fish is slightly off.2.(新生的; 少见的) new; novel; strange 新鲜感 feeling of freshness; 新鲜经验 new experience; fresh experience; 新鲜事儿 adventure; 这话真新鲜。 that's a strange thing to say. 这个想法对我们来说并不新鲜。 the idea is not new to us ...