...同种异体移植旁路移植术 bypass transplantation with allogeneic transplant 同种异体肾移植allograft renal transplantation 阻断间接识别途径抑制同种异体移植慢性排异的实验研究 Inhibition of Chronic Allograft Rejection by Blockade of Indirect Rec...
Allograftrenaltransplantation is the most important method to treat end-stage renal failure.
Conclusion Allografttransplantation of kidney tissue mass can ameliorate renal anemia caused by chronic renal failure and might be a new therapeutic means to treat CRF-induced anemia.
Results Classical changes of acute renal rejection in goat renaltransplantation could be observed in allograft by serum creatinine, blood stream and pathological examination of transplanted kidney.