释义 |
1 [水产]?索饵洄游 2.索饵洄游(feeding migration):为寻找或追逐食料所进行的洄游,在产卵后的亲体 群和性成熟前的群体表现得较为明显。 2 ?索饵回游 ... feeding dose 饲养标准,给饲定额... feeding migration 索饵回游 feeding device 加料装置,给料装置,... 3 ?鱼类的 喂食的, 饲养的, 给食的用法与例句: feeding adaptation摄食适应用法与例句: feeding migration(鱼类的)就食回游 继承用法 feeding-bottle 词性:n. (喂孩子的)奶瓶 feedingstuff 词性:n.
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This usually boils down to calling the migration tool with the relevant parameters and feeding it the pre-processed source data. 这通常使用相关的参数调用移植工具,并且将预处理的源数据传给它。 - 2
What we've shown is that there are three clear migration routes as they head back to feeding grounds after breeding in Gabon, although the Numbers adopting each strategy varied each year. 我们所能得到的结果是他们在加蓬反之后返回觅食区的路径有三条,尽管他们的数量逐年发生改变。 - 3
'What we've shown is that there are three clear migration routes as they head back to feeding grounds after breeding in Gabon, although the Numbers adopting each strategy varied each year. 我们所能得到的结果是他们在加蓬反之后返回觅食区的路径有三条,尽管他们的数量逐年发生改变。