释义 |
1 ?摄食适应 ... automatic feeding 自动送料装置,自动化... feeding adaptation 摄食适应 feeding reservoir 供水水库,蓄水池... 2 ?摄饵适应 ... 设计有缺陷-造船危险 faulty design- builder's risk 摄饵适应 feeding adaptation 申报书;通告 notification ...
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This completes the execution loop with analysis and process adaptation techniques feeding back to the modeling step. 这样就完成了将分析和流程调整技术反馈到建模步骤的执行循环。 - 2
Results The majority cases of 45 patients(91%) may have mild abdominal distension and diarrhea at the initial stage, but after adjustment, adaptation, they were able to be completed feeding. 结果多数患者45例(91%)最初期可有轻度腹胀、腹泻,但经调整、适应,均能完成喂养。 - 3
Oberve growth and development of france white roasting geese, analysis adaptation of introduced geese in our feeding standard and environment, so that we can accumulate. 分析引种不同世代法国莱茵鹅育雏期生长发育情况,了解莱茵鹅引入我国后的适应性,为鹅的改良和育种积累素材。