释义 |
1 ?分配规则 适应性设计基本规则 1·分配规则(allocation rule),也就是如何把招募 的受试对象随机分配到不同的试验组。试验随机分配 率有可能是固定不变的,如1∶1,也有可能在不同的阶 段依据受... 2 ?配置规则 ... 内含资料行索引 included column index 配置规则 allocation rule 凭证发行原则 certificate issuance policy ... 3 ?分摊规则 ... 多重资料行排序模式 multiple column sort mode 分摊规则 allocation rule 服务器排序规则 server collation ...
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This page has explained the logic and arithmetic of the Loring Allocation Rule. - 2
The booth size and exhibit class will be arranged as following the the principle of "First-come, first pay, first arrangement "by the Organizing Committee according to booth allocation rule. 展位分配原则:按照参展单位申请的展位大小、展品类别和“先申请、先付款、先安排”的原则,由组委会统一安排展位。 - 3
Second, drawing on the burden of proof of discrimination cases of US, utilizes the estimated rule in the allocation of the burden of proof in labor dispute lawsuit. 其次,借鉴美国关于歧视性案件证明责任的规定,将推定规则运用到劳动争议诉讼证明责任分配中。